

Your New BFF (Bra Friend Forever)

Fix Your Bra-blems!

Bras, just like boobies, come in all shapes and sizes, and most of us are probably not wearing the perfect bra for our figure. Even though finding the right bra isn’t rocket science, it is complicated and many of us give up before we even get started. And it isn’t fun either. Entering a cold dressing room and standing topless in front of nasty mirrors that capture our every bump, bulge and bra-blem. Ugh!


When was the last time you looked forward to go bra shopping? For many of us the quest to find the perfect bra usually starts off with high hopes and ends, after a long and stressing process, in frustration and many times in failure.

You think your bra is one size, but when you start trying them on, you realize each brand has a different size that fits you. If you’re lucky enough to find “the one,” it’s only after overcoming distractions, nosiness and unhelpful advice by shopping assistants while trying on hundreds of bras. And, if God forbid, something happens to your precious, or you need to get a different type of bra, you have to start from scratch, which sucks.

Women everywhere unite! There’s a better way to find the perfect bra without feeling, well, like a big boob! We found a superhero to our topless rescue. Brayola is a one-stop online resource for everything boobs. As a matter of fact, its mission is “to help women everywhere find their perfect fit bras and feel beautiful,” and it’s ingenious! We’re talking bra shopping from the convenient, mirror-free safety zone we call “home sweet home.”


It’s An Underwire Win, Win

Bra shopping has come a long way baby! Brayola is an online company founded by Orit Hashay, an entrepreneur and busy mom who knew there was a better way to find the perfect-fitting bra. And she was right!

You see, the site uses an algorithm, similar to what the big guys Google and Facebook use. That happens when women of all shapes and sizes privately share details about the bras they own, allowing Brayola’s algorithm to create a private dresser and determine each woman’s actual size and style. Brayola gives personalized recommendations based on women that have a similar taste and size to yours. It’s an underwire win, win!


Embrace Everything Bras!

Brayola.com it’s a fun place to learn everything about “finding the perfect bra without having a fit.” There are videos, blog articles, testimonials and everything a girl needs to know about bras and boobies. There are also measuring tutorials, trend updates, how to care for your bras and so much more. You will consider it your new BFF (bra friend forever)!

Portrait of a smiling female with short hair eye glasses beige jacket. Happy business woman

Find  Your Perfect Bra—No Fitting Required!