

What Do Women Want? 45 Things Guys Should Know

Women often have an air of mystery about them, but they tend to all want some of the same things, but are scared to ask for. Some of the things women keep hidden can destroy a relationship.


As a guy, what are you supposed to do when the women you are with do not admit what they want? If you want to have a boost and get better at learning what women want, then keep ongoing.

Be A Man

Quite often people have a different opinion on what it means to be a man, but it is definitely a plus if you take the reins even


when you want to have our opinion, but we also want you to be the protector and confident in your choice even if you need help reaching it.

Chivalry Should Still Be Alive

A common conception and one that is correct is chivalry is dead. Women would love it if more guys would act like the chivalrous gentleman


They know they can be by opening a door, not walking in front, but also giving up their coats. It helps us feel like we are special.

Put The Phone Down

Technology has become a major aspect of life anymore, but it does not have to remove you from your relationship as well.


What you have to do is put the electronics down or look away and make eye contact when you are being talked to by your significant other.

Be Held Accountable For Your Actions

Women love it when a man is able to take the blame for what they have done and apologize for what has happened.


Often, women are stuck trying to explain why you did what you did to other people. What else is great about taking your own actions is, it tends to be a major turn-on for women.


The song is definitely a major trend for a lot of people,


But it is something that needs to be found in a relationship as well because it is key to keeping it together.

Date Nights Need Creativity

A common reason that a relationship grows dead is there is nothing new going on or special about the relationship.


A quick way to change it around and bring back the spice is to do something that is new and unconventional that you normally would not be doing. A good example would be going to a painting class together, instead of the movies.

Intelligent Conversations

Women tend to like lighthearted conversations at times, but they also want someone who can have an intellectual conversation too.


This may seem hard to do, but put the charm away for a little bit and show her that you are intelligent as well.

Better Communication

Communication is key if you want to keep a relationship going for years. In fact, the lack of communication is the reason why so many couples fail.


We want to know what you feel and we want you to listen as well, even if you do not agree with what we are talking about.

Make Your Intentions Known

We know that some people are afraid of commitment, but going on in a relationship that no one knows what is going on is not going to be a good thing either.


Tell us upfront or after a little bit if you want to have a future with us or not. Women do not really like to ask a man what their plans are.


Passion is a trait that a lot of people think of as being a very sexy thing to have. This does not mean just being passionate in the bedroom either.


The passion is a thirst for the knowledge or even the growth that you are going to have. All women want to see this in their men, but it will vary in the level they want to see the trait.


Ambition is definitely something that will help the guys out as it shows they want to accomplish something. Usually, this means the guys can set a goal and work hard to reach that goal.


Women love this type of thing. Nothing is worse than running into a guy without any goals or dreams to reach. Even if the goal is far fetched, you would want to make sure you are able to have a goal.


Confidence is one thing that women are drawn to and it shows that the man is definitely going to have the confidence to pursue things.


It also shows that if the woman starts to have some issues they will have a confidant guy to fall back onto.

Great Hygiene

When you live with your significant other you are very personal with them. Sometimes the women could see something that drives them right back out the door.


So you need to make sure you keep yourself clean and brush your teeth, not leaving without doing this for weeks on end. Often if hygiene is bad, we are turned off faster than anything else.

For You To Not Let Yourself Go

Typically the women who are in a comfortable relationship let themselves go, but the same can be held true for the guys as well.


If you want your wife or girlfriend to look great, then you should be doing the same thing. If you both change and are okay with it, then that is fine too.

More Talking About Your Past

Often men struggle to talk about their past and that just builds up to even more of the communication problems.


Yes, the information is often personal, but it does help us understand you even better. If you are able to open up about the past.

Learn To Be Patient

Typically women do not mind asking for this, but they do get tired of asking time and time again.


It definitely helps your life if you are able to understand that not everything is going to happen as you want it to. Patient, remember, is a virtue and one that you need to learn how to use.

More Talking About Your Feelings

Often a man keeps his feelings in, but they need to open up and talk about those feelings. Forget about the old adage of the men needing to keep their feelings bottled up all the time.


Show us you are vulnerable and when you are mad at times. It can do wonders in the relationship.

Signs that You’re Committed

Make sure that if you are saying you are committed you are willing to show the actions as well.


You can say that you are committed, but you need to make sure that you are doing activities that are exclusive to couples.

For You to Show Her that She’s Important to You

Just like showing that you are committed you to need to make sure you show how much you care for your significant other.


You may notice that not all women like the same gesture, but it is definitely important to do more than just saying “I love you”.

To Be Included In the Decision-Making

We already mentioned that we want a man who is confident, and know what he wants to have. However, that does not always mean he knows what she wants to have.


A relationship is a partnership so you need to make sure you are willing to make the big choices with your partners inside as well. If you are not including her in the decision-making process, then you could be heading for problems.

For You to Defend Her

One great attribute is to make sure your woman knows she has protection, even if she does not need to have it. When she does, though, you need to make sure you step in properly and in a manner that is appropriate.


To make sure you are coming in properly, you should talk about how to do this before it is needed. If you do not properly prepare, then you could have some problems as the parties may not be happy about it.

For You to Comfort Her

Women have often gotten to be shown as being the emotional figure in the relationship. We are not going to say if it is true or not, but when she is emotional, she wants you to be at her side.


Most of the time, you do not even have to say a word. Just holding her like you would not let go of her is often enough.

For You To Be Sensitive

You are going to need to comfort her, but at the same time show that you are sensitive.


Women often want you to try to put yourself in their shoes and that way you can understand their feelings instead of brushing it off like it was nothing at all.

No Judgement

Women often get judged about what they have done before and what they may still be doing. It is not fair to think that a guy who sleeps with fifty women is fine, but think women who slept with more than fifteen guys committed a crime.


You do not want to make her feel bad about what she has done in her past. You just want to help her with what happened.


Something else that the women want you to do is accept them on what they have done in the past, just like the women accept the guys for what they have done.


This does not mean to accept bad behaviors or ones that are dangerous. No one is perfect and we all have some flaws.


A relationship goes both ways and you need to provide support in a relationship.


The woman you are dating should not have to ask you for support. You need to make sure she knows you can and do support her.

No Lying

You need to make sure you are completely honest with your significant other, some little lies are fine like when you forget to get eggs at the store.


You just want to make sure you are honest about the big things, even if it will hurt some. You gain a lot more respect for telling the truth.

No Cheating

Now, this is very simple to say and one that no one should have to ask for.


If you are not ready to commit or have cheated in the past, do not give us the false hope that you have changed. It is not really good for you and definitely sets you up for some karma payback.

Impromptu Trips

You do not need to be in the best place financially to go out to a different city for a day trip or even a night out.


Often, you do not have to do the impromptu trips on a regular basis even. You just need to make sure you surprise her every so often to show that you are willing to put effort into the relationship.

A Positive Attitude

You need to make sure you are positive about the relationship and the positive attitude helps out quite a bit if your woman gets stressed easily.


The positive attitude is going to allow you to get through the rough patches quite a bit better than what you would expect. We do mean positive, not the preaching type of people.

More Laughs

You always want to laugh when you are in a relationship. Have you ever heard of a break up with a woman because they were too happy?


If you do have then you may not have found the right woman, but you need to make her laugh.

Cute and Silly Texts

Women love texts that are funny and cute. It does not need to be something that is happening all the time,


but it should be something we do not have to ask for. The text needs to be cute and funny but also come from the heart as well.

More Compliments

When you are using the genuine compliments it is going to help you get even further.


You want to make sure the compliments you are giving are not the same exact ones all the time or it will start to sound like you are forcing the compliments.

More Romantic Gestures

You want to make sure you are doing the little things that make the difference, like buying flowers calling at work,


just to show what you are worth. If you are using these it will help your woman feel better than what you ever imagined.

More Physical Contact

Women love to be touched and that is going to hold true overall. When you are with a man that cannot keep his hands off of you, as a woman, you tend to feel a lot sexier and wanted.


You do not want to overdo it but make sure you do it from time to time and definitely in public places.

More Eye Contact

You want to make sure you have eye contact as often as possible and definitely when you are making sex as this shows that you are able to get a deeper connection with your significant other.


Often the woman will lose their thoughts in the depths of your eyes during the lovemaking process. Just do it.

More Kisses

Women tend to love all forms of kissing at all times. Often the kisses are able to set the mood for the day.


Often when the man takes the time to kiss properly they are able to do other things that the woman is going to love.

Forehead Kisses

You may have seen the meme before of a man kissing the forehead and stealing the women sense, which is true to a point.


The little forehead kiss makes us feel wanted and loved, but also protected. The more of this kiss the better.

Sex Appeal

We kept this low on the list because each woman likes something different. However, one thing that we did find is almost all women like a form of sex appeal.


This does not mean that you are going to get the work natural, but if you can exude this naturally, then you are set.

Longer Bouts of Lovemaking

Often people are really hesitant to point out what they want to have in the bedroom at any given time. Often, the complaint that women have is the men are not lasting long enough,


The suggestion that we have is for the guys to start finding a training regimen that will help them last 10 minutes longer than what they usually do.

Some More Spice in the Bedroom

Some women are fine with the vanilla aspect of lovemaking, but sometimes the women want some spice.


So make sure you are getting to add in some spice from anything like role-playing to toys.

Naughty Pictures

You may think that we do not like to see the naughty pictures, but we do! It does not even have to be of your privates in different poses, but instead, it can be her favorite body part of yours.


Now, if you want to send the other pictures that are fine too, but make sure they are done in a way that we would see as being tasteful.

For You to Be a Friend

Do you often try to figure out how the relationships that started out as friendship grows so well? That is because each party knows what the other is comfortable within the relationship.


You just need to make sure you are her friend, even if she has a billion best friends already. Remember even if the sex appeal falters you need to have some type of conversation to fall back on and talk about to guarantee you are going to be friends for life.

Someone They Can Be Proud Of

Women like to have a man that they are able to show off to other people. So you want to make sure that you are the type of person that someone can be proud of.


You want to be that type of man from your job or some of the things that you do for other people. No matter what, make sure the job you are doing is one that she is able to brag to her friends about and show you off for doing.

To Be Loved

No matter what, it really boils down to wanting to be loved. No matter what point in the relationship the woman wants to make sure that they are loved.


If you do not want to share your love, then you need to make sure she is already aware of this. If she is not aware of this and feels left out then you could be setting yourself up for failure early on.