

‘Rocket League’ Celebrates Third Birthday With In-Game Event

By Stefanie Fogel

LOS ANGELES (Variety.com) – Psyonix’s “Rocket League” turns three next week and the developer is celebrating with a two-week anniversary event.

This year’s festivities will be a little different than previous anniversary events, said. Starting July 9, players can hop into the all-new 3v3 Anniversary Playlist, which features a throwback stadium inspired by Psyonix’s 2008 vehicular soccer game “Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars.”

“The goal layout, in particular, is a departure from the modern goal positions seen in the rest of ‘’s’ arenas, but it does harken back to the old-school days of ‘Battle-Cars,’ which should tickle the old nostalgia feels quite nicely,” the developer said on its official website Tuesday.

Psyonix is also changing how players earn customization items during the anniversary event. It’s doing away with the usual loot crates. Instead, players can earn “SARPBC” anniversary-themed balloons during matches, which can be redeemed for the new items. They can also be traded in for a new type of anniversary “surprise.”

“These ‘Golden Eggs’ do not require a Key or Decryptor to unlock, so just crack up to ten of ‘em open to find one of over 60 possible customization items from our retired Champions Series Crates,” Psyonix said.

The anniversary event ends Monday, July 23 at 5 p.m. PDT. The balloons expire at the same time. There won’t be a grace period to redeem them after the event, Psyonix said.

“Rocket League” launched in July 2015 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. A Nintendo Switch version came out in November 2017. It reportedly reached 40 million players worldwide earlier this year.
