

New ‘Call Of Duty: WWII’ Shadow War DLC Concludes Zombies Storyline

By Stefanie Fogel

LOS ANGELES (Variety.com) – “Call of Duty: World War II’s” fourth DLC pack, Shadow War, is coming out as a timed PlayStation 4 exclusive on Aug. 28, publisher Activision announced on Thursday.

Shadow War concludes the game’s Nazi Zombies storyline. It also includes three new multiplayer maps, a new War Mode Mission, and more.

“Thematically for this pack, we wanted to push the fiction as far as we could, have a lot of fun with it, and give the player a sense of creativity as they play,” said Sledgehammer Games lead multiplayer environment artist Matt Abbott on the PlayStation Blog .

The final chapter of Nazi Zombies is called The Frozen Dawn and it focuses on a powerful threat lurking in the unfathomable depths of a lost city. Players will get their hands on some of the most powerful weapons yet, Sledgehammer said, ones that will completely transform gameplay. Plus, there are still secrets to uncover.

“In fact, there are several, even in the existing maps, that have yet to be cracked open,” said Cameron Dayton, creative director at Sledgehammer Games.

The three new maps are called Airship, Chancellery, and Excavation. All of them take place in major enemy locales. Airship is set in a secret enemy base in the Alps, where players fight for control of a docked zeppelin. Chancellery takes place in France and players there will have to seize control of the stronghold’s main courtyard. Excavation, meanwhile, features a battle over priceless art and gold in an Algerian mine.

The New War Mode Mission is called Operation Arcane and it’s set deep within a secret enemy research facility in the Austrian mountains. Players will have to infiltrate the facility, steal enemy secrets, and destroy classified technology of extraterrestrial origin. Plus, since this is a research laboratory, players can expect a few new weapons and tools to help them in the fight.

Shadow War is available to season pass owners or it can be purchased individually. But, said anyone who doesn’t own Shadow War can party up with season pass owners for free from Aug. 28-Oct. 28.
