Is New Taylor Swift Music on the Way? Countdown Clock Suggests April 26 Release

By Chris Willman

LOS ANGELES (Variety.com) – A countdown clock appeared on Taylor Swift’s website at midnight ET Saturday morning, suggesting that something is imminent in… fans of her numerology may have already guessed it… 13 days (as of that moment).

The 8-ball says “signs say yes” as to whether this signifies the coming of new music on Friday, April 26.

In the past, fans have overreacted to seeming clues Swift has posted, like the number of palm trees in recent Instagram photos. That build-up turned out to be to the reveal of a magazine cover and essay.

This may also have a cover image, but apparently it won’t be to just a magazine. Chances are it will be the first single under Swift’s new deal with Universal Music Group. Chances also are — given her penchant for getting people to keep secrets — that the world won’t know many details till “:00” pops up in that window.
