

In Minnesota, Unique Landscapes and High Incentives Lure Production

By Variety Staff

LOS ANGELES (Variety.com) – The state of Minnesota abounds with diverse shooting locations, from the modern urban skyscrapers of Minneapolis, to the small-town feel of Saint Paul, to a countryside dotted with thousands of lakes, to a rugged wilderness stretching to the Canadian border. Also available: a rebate of 20% or 25% on qualified spend, in addition to multiple local incentives.

Other landmarks of interest: the iconic Mall of America, the Walker Art Center and the world-famous Guthrie Theater. Garrison Keillor’s “A Prairie Home Companion” radio show is also a homegrown Minnesota institution.

Often dubbed “snowbate” because if its northern location, Minnesota’ rebate program includes a 20% rebate for productions spending a minimum of $100,000 and a 25% rebate for productions spending a minimum of $1 million.

Regional incentives are available on top of the state incentive. The compensation cap for non-resident above-the-line workers is $100,000.

Productions recently shot in Minnesota include “Brother’s Keeper” (2018)” “The Dawn” (2018), “The Nanny” (2017), “Wilson” (2017), “The House of Tomorrow” (2017), “A Stray” (2016), “I Am Not a Serial Killer” (2016), “Lady Dynamite” (TV Series, 2016-to present), and “Dear White People” (2014), predecessor of the Netflix series.

20% or 25%Rebate
$1mMinimum spending to qualify for the 25% rebate
$100kMinimum spending to qualify for the 20% rebate
$100kCompensation cap for non-resident above-the-line workers
Information courtesy of EP Financial Solutions, a production incentive consulting and financial services company.
