Eat up and Slim Down With 3 Diets That Work
1. DASH Off the Weight

Experts love to dish on DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension). This tried and true diet not only lowers blood pressure without meds and improves many other health issues, it is also a plan to dash into weight loss. The heart of this scientifically proven plan is eating “real,” good food that is good for your heart. Dashers eat fruits, veggies, low-fat dairy, lean meats, nuts, seeds, beans, and other bulky goodies that naturally quench hunger. There are no processed foods on this plan but no worries… you won’t crave a thing.
2. It Sounds Fishy?

It Works—the Mediterranean Diet: “Sea” food and eat it on this plan inspired by our Mediterranean friends. You know the beautiful and fit folks of Greece, Italy, and other countries that surround the Med Sea. Research has found that eating their way is healthier than the American way. It’s not only what they eat; it’s how they live. Their culture believes in balancing work, family, fun, physical activity, and eating healthy foods. Does it sound fishy? It works. The menu includes fresh fish, lean meats, veggies, fruit, whole grains, and lots of olive oil. Red wine is also okay to drink with meals. We’ll drink and eat to that!
3. Flex-em!

Flexitarian: If you’re not crazy about meat and a flexible diet is what you crave, then the Flexitarian lifestyle is for you. The name is a combo of two words, flexible and vegetarian. Actually, it’s semi-vegetarian because you can still take a bite out of a big, juicy cheeseburger once in a while. Be sure you have lots of veggies on it though. This diet is one you can jump into at a full boil or ease into at a steadier simmer. The key is to “eat more plants and do the best you can.”