Dog Breeds To Be Cautious About Inside Your Home

With that being the case, we have come up with a list of the pets that may not be the best breed for your home.
Chow Chow
While the Chow Chow is a popular breed as a family pet, it may not be the best fit for your home. The Chow is very fluffy and often is challenging to pass up. However, when looking at the dog, you may not realize that the fluffy pillow is not always the best for your home.

The main issue is not stemming from the dog behavior problems, but instead, it comes from the fact that the dog can get slightly larger, and that often means they can accidentally run over smaller children. The chow also tends to be overly protecting to the owner as they do get attached, and that usually means the dog does not get along with strangers or other dogs.
The Dachshund is a small dog that is often seen in a home that has quite a few of the smaller pets already. However, this may not be the best dog to bring into your home. The reason is that the different slender shape of the dogs tends to make them seem like they are going to be a little bit more aggressive than usual.

What else does not help is the original reason these dogs were bred was to hunt smaller rodents, so if your kids have a hamster, it may not work out that well. What else is a problem with this dog breed is they tend to get rough around kids and become very aggressive around strangers.
This is a dog that has been classic since the Disney movie came out so many years ago. The families tend to think that these dogs are going to be as lovely as the movie shows, but they are quick to find out that it is not always the case. Even with their color looking black and white, the dogs are far from it.

You may not think about this, but the Dalmatian is a dog breed that tends to have problems hearing. This does make it very difficult for you to train the dogs. What is even worse is this is a breed of dog that needs to have a lot of attention from the owners, or they tend to get upset and frustrated. If you have a small child that requires your attention as well, then this may not be the best dog for you.
Australian Shepherd
This is a dog that has started to gain a lot of popularity for people lately because of the fact these dogs are often seen as some of the most beautiful that you can find. The downside is this is one type of dog that is going to require you to have the chance to adapt to what the dog needs to have.

The Australian Shepherd tends to be one o the most energy active dogs. The like to run a lot, and they tend to run for at least 30 to 60 minutes per day of just exercise. If the dogs are not exercised properly or they are left inside for too long, they tend to destroy the inside of the house. This is one dog breed that is going to require you to be very active to keep them happy.
Saint Bernard
These are a dog that is very friendly and kind that you can find among the dog breeds. These are a dog that has managed to get into the owner’s heart for several years. What could be the issue with a dog that is so popular then?

The Saint Bernard is a dog that does not have a lot of aggression or behavioral issues, but it does not mean that they can go into any home. The Saint Bernard is a massive dog. These dogs do not mean to hurt anyone or a fly, but they have been known to knock down valuables or even children when they move with their big bodies. So Saint Bernard may not be the best fit for your apartment.
Shih Tzu
Shih Tzus are a dog that has become popular lately. These dogs are small and cute, but also very adorable. What else is great is they are a dog that is easy to move around with and keep indoors as they do not require you to take them outside all of the time. What led to this dog, making it onto the list?

twenty20It is mainly because these dogs are prone to biting when they get scared or excited ad that may not be the best home for children. What else does not help is the dogs are challenging to potty train, and if you do not give them enough attention tend to get anxiety issues.
Alaskan Malamute
The Alaskan Malamute may seem like the perfect dog, as they are very lovely and obedient for the most part. While the dog breed is a great dog and one that is very well trained and behaved, it may not be the best dog breed for everyone or in all the situations they are currently in.

This is a dog breed that is very adorable, but it also is one that tends to want to be the leader and not the follower. While that is not always a bad thing, it does make this dog breed one of the harder ones for you to train and often requires you to correct the dogs continually. What else that this dog does shed quite a bit, and they tend to be one that challenges the owners as much as they can.
Great Dane
The Great Dane is a big dog that has a lot of responsibility. The Great Dane has often seen a lanky dog and the Scooby-Doo dog, but it is one of the largest breeds you can find. What is even worse is the Great Danes tend to forget just how large of a dog they are.

The good news is the Great Danes are a breed that is very kid-friendly, and while they are cute, it does not mean that every family needs one. They need to have a lot of space to stretch out but also have a tendency to knock items off of the tables, even the kitchen table. The dog is going to get larger as they get older, so you will need to stay on top of them when it comes to training and keep on top of them.
The Greyhounds have started to find a lot of popularity of pet owners who do not want to see the dogs used for other purposes that may not be that good for such a lovely dog. These have typically been bred to race and have often been used as a hunting dog as well, which is a very taxing job. Before getting into the Greyhounds, you need to make sure your home is ready for the dogs.

twenty20The dog is one that you need to have a taller fence for at least 4 feet, but 6 foot is better, but also have plenty of time for the dogs to play outside. What else is important to note is this is a breed that tends to not do well with younger children.
Siberian Husky
The dog here is one that has been used for years pulling the dog sleds for racing, but what is shocking is how many people are unaware of how much energy these dogs store up. When you get a Husky, they tend to put that energy to use and keep the dog happy.

twenty20This is also a dog that likes to play rough at times and tend to play for a more extended period than what most of the other dog breeds are going to do. Since you are playing with your dog so much, you may find that over time they develop separation anxiety. Keep going to learn more about the rest of the dogs that made it to our list.
These are a dog that will remind you of a lot of the plush toys that you may have bought your children when they were younger. However, you do not want to tell that to your dog. These dogs are the ones that seem to be a little bit aloof and do not like being viewed as a stuffed animal.

twenty20Pekingese are the type of dogs that do not like to be cuddled or hugged on, and that should keep some parents wary. When the younger kids do cuddle with the dogs, they may find that the dogs can start to growl, and it is a breed that would be a better fit for the older kids not looking for a dog to cuddle with. If you have stepped inside of your home, then you may want to look at a different dog breed as well as the breed does not really do well on steps.
Pit Bull
The Pit Bull is a breed that has gained a bad reputation. These dogs have been seen as a dangerous dog for their entire history, but some of that is not always welcomed. The reason for the bad reputation is often from dogfighting, but it is coming mainly because of one reason. That is the fact that these dogs love their owners so much that they want to make them happy all the time, making them an excellent breed for training.

twenty20With that in mind, you need to remember the owner and dog bond as it will be very strong with this breed. This is a breed that does suffer from separation anxiety over time, and if they are separated from their owner for an extended period they can get anxious. No matter what, if you do get this breed, you need to make sure you have plenty of time to spend with the puppy.
Doberman Pinscher
This is one dog breed that has built up a bad reputation for several years. What is bad is this is a breed that is very aggressive but also can turn against their owner at any time. The stereotype is not always going to hold, but it is enough to give you some second thoughts before you bring one home.

The Doberman was initially trained to be a guard dog. This is one breed that even with the warnings about the potential aggression issues is one that has been very loyal to their owners. When you do have a Doberman, though, you need to make sure you have plenty of time set aside to play with your pet, or they could get some pent up anger.
Jack Russell Terrier
This is a dog that tends to have quite a bit of energy stored up in their body. They are a dog that would make the Energizer bunny look like he was running low hours after playing. While the dog is adorable, it could also be a reason why people would need to stay clear of this dog, and that is because of the amount of energy the dog tends to bring to the table.

The Jack Russell is also a dog breed that needs to have a lot of play outside as the indoor playing tends to get rough for the house. So make sure you have plenty of time to spend outside and a beautiful enough yard for your dog to run off some of their energy.
This is a dog breed that is very small and cute, but also one that tends to shake a lot, and thanks to commercials is a fairly famous dog breed. No matter what, most people think of the Chihuahuas as a breed that is very complacent. That is not the truth by any means.

The breed is one that tends to be one of the most stubborn dogs that you have can find. Taking the dog breed here is one that is going to take quite a bit of time and effort on your part. What else you need to be mindful of is this is a dog breed that has been one that has a lot of issues when children are involved.
Shar Pei
The Shar-Pei is one breed of dog that people recognize all the time. This is a dog that people tend to pet a lot because they have a silk-like fur, but also the squishy adorable face that people like. What you need to realize is you have several factors that you need to consider before you go out and adopt a Shar-Pei.

This is a breed of dog that has been bred to be a guard dog in their history. This means that they are the breed that tends to have problems in letting new people into the pack of the dogs or family. That often means that this is one of the breeds that you will have to get when they are younger, and you or a puppy could have problems getting them adapted to their settings.
A Rottweiler is often seen as a very loyal dog and one that is going to have the strength that makes it difficult for smaller people to control. Both of those factors are the ones that have led to a lot of people falling in love with the big Rottweiler. However, there are some things that you need to know about this dog breed.

This is a breed that is going to grow up to be very large and often is not aware of the strength that they have. This usually means they are going to knock things down or have an accident quite a bit as they start to learn about their strength. Not only that, the amount of loyalty the dog has tends to make it hard to get the dog around your friends as they may not trust them right away.
French Bulldog
This is one dog that people have trouble saying no to because of the lovely face the French Bulldog has. If you are looking at adopting this dog, though, you may need to keep some factors in mind. They are not going to be the type of dog that wants to go outside but would make a great companion for the football games.

The downside is this couch loving attitude does not make them any easier to train. They are going to want to get the owner’s attention and often can be a dog breed that gets jealous quickly. If you are a globe trotter, you could find the French Bulldog is not the best for the jets to travel in either as they do not do well on the planes. Those problems are nothing compared to what is coming up, though.
If you have heard that you are unable to teach an old dog new tricks, then you need to know this may be a breed that breaks this at times. Overall, though, the phrase is going to hold in most cases as the Bullmastiff can be stubborn. This is why so many people want to get a puppy Bullmastiff instead of an adult.

What else can be a concern for some people is the potential accidents that come from a Bullmastiff with kids. These are a dog that tends to be jumping and like to jump on their owners when they see them as they were bred to be the gamekeeper’s help at protecting estates and that may not work for kids. This doe makes this an excellent guard dog as they do not announce their presence until they need to.
Afghan Hound
The Afghan Hound is one dog that is very easy to recognize from almost anywhere in the world. These are a dog that has a longer nose, but also the hair that is flowing and can make some of the women think of Fabio. The downside is the Afghan Hound is also a dog that has a lot of emotions.

The dog was initially bred to be a hunting dog in the Afghan mountains. That often means this is a dog that likes to have a lot of activity and has the energy to go with it. They are also a dog that has a very strong will, and that needs to be contained with the proper training at an early age.
This is a dog that is a hybrid that is half wolf and half dog, but it is a dog that is illegal to own in some states. Almost 40 states have laws that are going to prevent people from owning this breed of dog. In the other states, is this going to be a major issue for them or not?

Here are some of the factors to consider if you are looking at a Wolfdog. These are dogs that are very difficult to train and are going to be one that wants to be a leader at all times but has the energy to go along with it because of the wolf DNA. They are a dog breed, though, that is known to be very healthy at the same time.
In some cases, the dogs are going to have an attention span that does not exist. The Weimaraner is one that is going to have the attention span, but also has the size and goofiness. While humans may think that it is fun and something to make fun of, it is part of the dog’s breeding.

These are dogs that have been know to get distracted by anything from small animals to even blowing leaves until they identify what it is. They also are a dog that is going to have a lot of energy that needs to be burned off, and that means the owner needs to have the same energy. If the dogs are not properly exercised, they tend to have a lot of energy that turns into a destructive pattern.
This is a dog that has often been called the Monkey Terriers, and that is one term that matches this dog. This is a dog that is often considered a weirdo type of dog, and that is what gets them into the homes of so many people.

The downside is this is a dog breed that the parents of younger children may want to keep away from. The dog has a small statute, and with that, the kids tend to think of them more as a toy than anything else. What else happens is this a dog breed that does not like to share their toys and can cause confusion to some of the smaller kids.
Skye Terrier
These are a terrier breed that is a medium-sized dog, but very feisty. The breed tends to have quite a bit of spunk as well and the attitude of a teenager. This type of attitude is what makes this dog one of those that a lot of people tend to bring into their pack.

However, I you are getting a Skye Terrier, make sure you have plenty of time to set aside for them for training and that you do not have any smaller dogs inside of your home. This is a breed that tends to be aggressive with the other dogs that are smaller in the house.
Japanese Tosa
This dog breed is one that has been banned in several countries around the world, including Germany and even the United Kingdom. If you are in a country that you can get a Japanese Tosa, you need to be cautious about what you are getting.

These are a dog that has been bred for fighting, and in Japan, it is legal to fight dogs. With that being the case, this is a dog that tends to be very leery of most people, and that includes the owners as they are a breed that is aggressive and often cannot be trusted.