

BioWare Teases ‘Secret Dragon Age Stuff’ in November Update

By Stefanie Fogel

LOS ANGELES (Variety.com) – BioWare is working on “some secret ‘Dragon Age’ stuff,” and it will talk more about it in the coming months, general manager Casey Hudson said in a blog post on Thursday.

“‘’ is an incredibly important franchise in our studio, and we’re excited to continue its legacy,” he said.

“Dragon Age” executive producer Mark Darrah also hinted in January that developers are “hard at work” on a project involving the popular role-playing game franchise.

Hudson also potentially dropped a hint about future “Mass Effect” content. “We announced one of the things we’ve done recently (a 4k enhancement to ‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ on Xbox One) but as we alluded to in our N7 Day video , that was just a small part of the plans we’re making for ‘Mass Effect’ going forward,” he said.

The rest of the post mainly talked about ’s upcoming online RPG “Anthem.” Now that the game has passed its alpha milestone, Hudson said the team is doing final tasks and changes, along with a “ton” of testing and bug-fixing. They’re also doing what Hudson said is one of his favorite parts of game development — the Play From Home build.

“It’s a tradition at BioWare,” he said. “Late in a project, when the game is good enough and finished enough to really enjoy it as a complete experience, we enable it to be played at home by our developers. It’s an incredibly important step, because it allows us to get out of the mindset of being at the office, and just be at home experiencing the game like a player instead of a developer.”

“Anthem” launches on Feb. 22 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Hudson said the team is working on entire seasons of post-launch content. “It’s scary and exciting to work on something on this scale and complexity, but we’re doing everything we can to make sure it’s an amazing experience for you,” he said.
