An Overview Of Dental Implants

The reasons why people get dental implants are as vast as the reasons why they may need them. Having missing teeth can negatively impact the way a person eats and speaks. This is a limitation that can become awkward and embarrassing for some people. A lack of teeth where they should be can do harm to a person’s remaining teeth. Nearby teeth often change positions and this can make it more difficult to bite into food. It can also cause undue stress to the joints in one’s jaw. Bone loss can also be a result of missing teeth.
Why Dental Implants?
There is no more permanent way to replace a lost tooth than a dental implant. It is sometimes referred to as an anchor that has been man-made. An implant resembles a screw created with materials such as titanium. Every material used in the creation of dental implants are tolerated by the human body. Dental implants are completed during oral surgery. They can be attached to either the lower or upper jaw. If necessary, a person may have to have implants on both. An implant is meant to act as a new way of rooting one’s teeth into their mouth. In every way, an implanted tooth is the same as a natural tooth. Once a person has gotten one, it looks the same as their permanent teeth.
Steps In Implant Process
The steps to having implants put in aren’t always the same. A person’s individual circumstances play a part. Factors to take into consideration include the implant type an individual needs. An individual’s bone structure can also affect the process. The easier the missing tooth is to replace, the fewer steps there will be.

In many cases, two to three dentist appointments is all it takes. Depending on its complexity, it can take as long as one year to complete the process. Simpler implants take less time. They may be immediately followed up with a crown.
The first step in the process is to surgically place the implanted tooth. Depending on the severity of pain, patients may get a prescription for pain pills afterwards. They will also need to eat soft foods while they heal from the procedure. During this time, the bone surrounding the new tooth is regenerated. The regrown bone insures the implant stays secure. When this has been completed, the new permanent tooth is attached. It generally takes several months to complete this process. Patients with less damage to their teeth may get the implant and replacement tooth at the same time.
This procedure is easiest for those who only need one tooth replaced. A custom-made tooth is created by a patient’s dentist. The tooth is referred to as a dental crown. It will be designed to look exactly like the teeth a patient already has.

Dental Implant Candidates
Not everyone is suited for a dental implant. In order to get one, an individual should be healthy. Any chronic health conditions may interfere with recover after a dental implant has been added. They can also interfere with the body’s ability to adapt to an implant. Even healthy people aren’t always prime candidates for an implant. The jawbone must be strong enough to handle the addition of one. Patients that have suffered from bone loss may be able to get an implant anyway. However, they would have to undergo a bone grafting first. Lastly, anyone who chews tobacco or smokes is not a prime candidate for dental implants. Many smokers have had dental implants fail because their mouths weren’t healthy enough for it.
Dental implants aren’t always the right choice. Those with missing teeth are urged to consult a dentist. He or she can determine if they are able to get dental implants successfully. For those who aren’t a candidate, partial dentures are a popular alternative.