4 Reasons Brain Training Apps Are Not Making You Smarter

Use it or lose it is the theme of one of the most important organs in our bodies.

Ok, get your smarter than the average mind out of the gutter! We’re actually talking about the magnificent brain. The burning question is, “are those popular brain training apps like Luminosity and Cognifit making us smarter?”

According to a “smart” study by Canada’s Western University neuroscientists, the only thing those brain-training apps are doing is improving players skills for that particular brain-training app. So before you log on to get smarter, take a look at this food for thought.

1. Brain Training Apps Score Big Bucks: 

Even though expert research is reporting no connection to brain training apps and improved brain activity companies are scoring big on sales.


Luminosity has more than 75 million users with an estimated revenue of $26.3 million and counting. You do the math. It’s a marketer’s dream!

2. Where’s The Science?

Unfortunately, there is no scientific backing for these companies to make claims of improving the brain


As a matter of fact, research is out there that says they just don’t. They are fun, it’s true, but that’s the real deal.


3. False Claims Equal Really Big Fines…Not So Smart:

Just when you think the designers of these make you smarter apps are smarter than you, they get sued for making false claims!


Luminosity got hit with a big fine for the tune of $2 million bucks for false advertising.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, Luminosity claimed that their program would “sharpen performance in everyday life and protect against cognitive decline” which is totally untrue.

4. That Being Said, Continue to Use It and Enjoy It:

Keep on enjoying your brain games, just remember that eating healthy, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly are all proven ways to keep your brain and the rest of your body working to its fullest potential and always remember to use it and have fun doing it.
